
Haute Haunting

Looking for a way to class up your Halloween decorations? I've never been one for blood and guts, so I was determined to find classy halloween decorations that would fit both my style and the Day of the Dead. Your seasonal decorations should not be introducing anything new to your home. Just because it's Halloween doesn't mean you have to pull out the orange and black. Choose colors that are your style and go with your home, just spook them up a bit!

                                                                                                                                                                                            I created these wine labels with this MySpace image. I pasted it into Microsoft Word and labeled the wine I had using Old English Text MT font, and cut it out at the edges. Give yourself extra room all the way around. I then took a lighter and CAREFULLY lit the edges on fire, blowing them out immediately to give an Old World burned effect. If you're worried about working with fire or are doing this with your kids, tearing the edges gives a similar effect. Cover the back with spray adhesive to attach to the bottle.
  I found these skulls at the dollar store, and used a pastry plate I already had to display these sparkly beauties.

This adorable pumpkin cake is available for purchase at Williams-Sonoma!



                                                I love this Halloween "BOO-quet" from Honest Florist!
I purchased a carvable plastic pumpkin at a craft store and painted it with an antique copper finish. I then printed my last initial from a word document and traced it onto the pumpkin using a dotted line with a knife.

The result was absolutely stunning, but if I were to do it again I would carve the pumpkin before I painted it. The paint stretched a bit with all the pulling and cutting, but was fixed with a second coat after all was said and done. Make sure you keep the middle of the letters(like the circle in the "R") by not cutting the letter all the way. Keep the letter connected in as many places as possible to make sure it stays intact in storage all year. Use this for Halloween, and turn it around to the non-carved side to carry into Thanksgiving! I love multipurposing!

I love this arrangement from Martha Stewart! It's the perfect mix of posh and Goth.

I'm throwing a "Ghoul's Night Out" party next week, so stay tuned for more Halloween ideas!!


  1. Sweet idea for the wine bottles!-Chris

  2. LOVE the monogrammed pumpkin idea

  3. You are just SO clever! Your pumpkin "Boo-quet" reminds me a lot of my wedding center pieces and I'm going to have to steal your idea for the monogrammed pumpkin myself.
    I wish I could attend the Ghouls Night Out with you! Thanks for sharing all your festive ideas you crafty lady!


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