
30 Garage Sales and a Starbucks

Pottery Barn table: $5
Southern Living vase: $2
2 antique reads: $0.50
The thrill of a great garage sale find: Priceless
Yes, you heard right! I said $5 for a Pottery Barn end table! Garage sale-ing is not for the faint of heart. Mind you that I estimated I passed about 30 garage sales on Saturday, actually got out of my car for 5, and purchased items at two. 2/30? Not great, but 1 hour for a thrill of a $5 table? SO worth it!! If my numbers are boggling your mind, I apologize. Every time I finish shopping, I run the numbers to try to make my financier of a husband understand what a great deal I got. 99% off sale? Yes please!
I love old books, but nice hardback books run about $5-7 at antique stores, and even $3 at estate sales! If you hit the estate sales on Sunday, they are usually 50% off, but you'll still get a better deal at a garage sale. Yes, I'm THAT cheap. I think of it this way: I can buy 3 books, or I can buy 6 books and a Starbucks for the same price! Ummmmm, I'll take the Starbucks. My husband may measure everything in numbers, but I measure everything in Starbucks.
Ahhhhh, rewarding myself for finishing the office with a Starbucks. :)


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