
Black Powder Room

My long-neglected half bath has finally gotten a makeover! After having an entire great room painted black in my last house, I really missed the drama. I went with a flat black with a gloss black stencil, and I am so happy with the results!

I love my silver leaf lion head vase I got at the Lamps Plus clearance sale! I've seen these for hundreds of dollars at high end furniture stores, but I got this one for $9.99! Soooo over the top, but so is the whole bathroom. Sometimes you just have to go big when you go home :)


The lamps were a HomeGoods purchase for $19.99 each. I'm a sucker for anything with metallic and mirror.

 I'll be honest, the stenciling sucked... It took me a total of 8 hours to paint and stencil! This did not include painting the moulding afterward... I used the Marrakech Trellis stencil from the Moroccan collection.



  1. Thanks for the information!

    Forged Iron Doors

  2. Loved reading this thank you

  3. Love your stenciling. Don't think I would attempt doing that, looks like a lot of work. Just painted my powder room, bottom half black, top half white with a chair rail in black. Vintage black and while floor tiles.
    Love it.


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